"B.A.P & TS ENT to officially meet in court on 13th March following B.A.P's lawsuit to nullify their contract"
— シヤフイア (@Cassiebabyz) February 22, 2015
B.A.Pと所属事務所TSエンターテイメントの間の専属契約紛争に対する本格的な裁判に突入する。裁判所によると、初の弁論期日は3月13日。http://t.co/yBkvVnAaEZ pic.twitter.com/nOiP8plnFm
— 韓流ツイッター (@kor_celebrities) February 21, 2015
( brief trans from google translate :P )
The trial court entered a full-fledged procedure for an exclusive contract dispute between a group BAP (Bang Yongguk , Himchan , Daehyun , Youngjae , Jongup , Zelo)
and the agency TS Entertainment.
22 days, according to the civil courts Seoul Western District 13, including portions Bang Yong-guk six members of the BAP took his first defense of the exclusive contract invalid date confirmation and return unjust enrichment claims action against the TS Entertainment on 13th next month.
However, the court found that to be a replacement for the incident because of personnel changes in the ongoing court date later this month, the first summation is also possible mirwojil (idk what does this meant) than the scheduled date.
B.A.P's first court hearing will be on March 13th! #JusticeForBAP #ForeverWithBAP
— B.A.P ♦ 밥베이비즈 (@ricebabyz) February 21, 2015